Tier 1
Rated by BNEF as a Tier 1 PV module manufacture
When hot spots occur, the hot spot temperature of a half-cut module is 10-20ºC lower compared to a normal module in the same environment and application scenario.
Adaptable to high temperatures and irradiation levels
In high temperature and high irradiation environments, the output of a half-cut module is higher.
Not affected by shading
When the lower half of a half-cut module is shaded by horizontal PV arrays, power generated by the upper half will not be affected.
Low working temperature
Current running through the module is halved as the module uses half-cut cells, the lower cell energy consumption helping to reduce operating temperature.
CNPJ 21.870.584/0001-26
Rua Emiliano Perneta, 466 - Sala 609
Curitiba - Paraná
Telefone: (41) 3328 5661

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